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LCTairsoft RPD AEG 20 m shooting test

LCT  launched a RPD replica. An AEG that will make happy the "rusky lovers", the supports and all the airsofters… 1043mm of metal and wood, 7kg of authentic love, and the most important, signed by LCT, one of the most reknowed brands according with the AKs.

Everybody knows the RPK and most of you have already shot with one of them (or most of you have been shot by one of them!). Still talking about the airsoft replica, of course. But it is possible that some people don’t know its cousin RPD, the novelty that generates the agitation.

The RPK is a Soviet light machine gun. Besides having the same structure than the AK47 (but this is not an AK47 with a large barrel, it’s different!), it uses the same munitions than the common assault rifle designed by Mijail Kaláshnikov.

The RPD for its part, was the predecessor of the RPK (we understand then the similar physical appearance) even if it has been designed by Vasily Degtyaryov to substitute the DPM, not on the British camouflage but on the soviet machine gun and its silver charger (you will remember it through the video games of the WW2).

More details of this amazing replica in this ohter video sent by LCT.