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Can you spot any of these 14 tactical snipers that are hidden in plain sight?

Snipers. They hide and wait; it's what they do. Below are images of snipers who have adapted well with their surroundings.

Can you find them? If not, the following images will point out why they are so good at their job:

Do you see the sniper's barrel?

Out of the jungle and on the rocks.

These are going to start getting a little more difficult . . .

Unbelievable . . . 

I think it's safe to say they are well hidden in this one.

The scenery may distract you from finding this sniper.

At least the sniper has a great view.

Oh, now things are getting really intense.

This one may be a little less obvious . . . 

Early morning on patrol.

These guys are GOOD.

Beautiful day for a walk . . . . .and some snipin'.

Last one: can you find him