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This replica carries the ECS V2.1 Upgrade Gearbox from VFC, a true beast with high quality components as detailed below to offer a high performance. ECS stands for Easy Change System, so we can change the spring without having to open the entire gearbox. Although we will have to take the gearbox out of the body to be able to do so, so it will not be as quick as desired.

Pneumatic set

The new reinforced piston is made of fibre and half of the toothing is made of metal; 7 teeth. It has also been reinforced in the lateral joints of the teeth, which improves the durability of the assembly. The piston head is made of reinforced aluminium and has bearings to, like the spring guide at the other end, improve spring torsion. The lightness of the cylinder is due to its steel construction. The cylinder head is made of plastic to prevent wear due to the pounding with the piston head.

Fire rate

The fire rate of this replica is impressive: 27 BBs per second. To which the lower resistance when pulling the trigger (or "naked trigger" as shooters call it) must be added. The gearbox has 8 mm bearings, "ultra high speed ball bearings" they are called, so that the custom "high speed" steel bearings turn with less friction.

Electric system

To ensure the correct operation of the electrical system and improve the shooting experience, sothey have set up a "MOSFET Electric Fire Control System Set". In addition to having a switch resistant to overheating. The cables are made of silver which helps improve the transmission and prevents the assembly from getting hot.

You don’t believe it? Look for an Avalon guns during in the playing fields and watch the BBs fly. After you have seen it you will believe us and you will know that Avalon is the answer. You've been warned.