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Interview to ASD 3/5 Marines

Sometimes there are passions that run on parallel tracks destined to never meet, other times you can find the perfect balance, as in the case of the ASD 3/5 Marines of Varedo (MB) ITALY which combined the airsoft with military historical modern reenactment.

"It was absolutely not easy to get to squaring the circle" to say it are the two founding members, Pietro "Pit" Figini and Alessandro "Small" Balconi, who together with other enthusiasts, have given life to this association that has few equals nationwide.

The association was founded in 2015 in Varedo, from the ashes of the V ° Marines of Gallarate and after another two-year reenactment experiment, which formed the founding members and outlined the basic ideas of the project, called Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines - Operative Reenactment Milsim Squad.

This name is abbreviated to 3/5 Marines, that is the third battalion of the 5th regiment, under the first marine division, and specifically the Kilo company.

WHY THE 3/5?

The President Alessandro answered: "We have chosen to reenact this unit for its glorious history that begins during the First World War in Belleau Wood, and then moves on to the bloody clashes held on the Pacific islands, such as Guadalcanal, Pelelieu and Okinawa, then the battles in Pusan ​​and Inchon in Korea and the fighting for Hue in Vietnam. The battalion has been deployed to Iraq several times, both during Desert Shied / Storm and Op. Iraqi Freedom since 2003; then we arrive "to the present day" with the deployment in Afghanistan more precisely in Sangin between 2010 and 2011. In particular, when we created the team, those guys were doing a great job out there in A.stan and their actions arrived also on italian media."


"3/5 is committed to replicating a Marine unit as faithfully and realistically as possible, using the real USMC manuals as sources for the training material, only slightly adapted to airsoft. In addition, each member uses mandatory original equipment, philological and above all consistent with the period recalled; this as per the basic rules of the good reenactor. All with the aim of bringing a realistic system and tactics to the Italian MilSim, which lacks in simulation and generally is more playful than its foreign counterparts, according to our way of thinking. "

The fact that the US military releases their training material online was an important push for our choice: we have examples and explanations of how to do something in the most efficient and least risky way for the unit. This is why we define it as an operational reenactment, not merely static. "


“Just flat out,” says Pietro, “the airsoft, as far as they say, is a military simulation in all aspects. There are those who do it casually, with fishnet masks, 3000 bb magazines and running around like hares, and those who, like us and a few others, do it by doing their utmost to be as realistic as possible on the battlefield.

Let's be clear, this "extremist" choice involves sacrifices: you have to accept the fact of spending Sundays trying and trying again, training, rather than playing the most classic of the classic attack / defense capture the flag, run away from the zombie. "

The president continues: “To understand us better, start from a concept: according to the reports and studies of the various fire conflicts (Source: US Defense Ministry), in an urban environment the average engagement distances are about 35 meters; coincidentally a data that is perfectly in the range of our replicas. That is why we took the “MOUT” (Military Urban Operation Terrain) manual, translated it and applied it to our trainings. By following this particular training, the boys learn to move like a SQUAD, thus reducing the hit and exponentially increasing the kills. "

“Coming out of the urban world, where everything has a written logic and where military / softgunner comparisons hold up by force of physics, we enter the woods or 98% of Italian camps. Here too we have noticed that, with very few adaptations of the relative manual “Marine Rifle Squad”, everything works the same! You have to learn how to move in a forest, understand the difference between "fire & movement" and "fire & maneuver", know how to perform a "center peel" and much more. That’s fun; tiring but fun! "


"Absolutely yes." Alessandro says with a proud expression on his face. “You should know that at first we did not intend to direct our efforts towards Operative Reenactment but after being contacted directly by a support group of the families of the fallen and talking and establishing relationships with the real veteran Marines of Sangin we understood how this approach was the only possible way to avoid the risk of tarnishing the memory and honor of a fighting unit. "

"We know very well that nowadays, thanks to the internet, our activities can reach the" real "Marines in a second: it's not like reenact American airborne during WW2 or the Roman legionaries, people who can't argue you back and get mad for a wrong pocket, oversized moustache or the wrong accessory. But above all they cannot criticize the fact of seeing themselves or their comrades reenacted, people who have died inside that uniform. "

“We care a lot about this aspect, and it is a topic that we emphasize well to the new recruits: seriousness, discipline and respect for the uniform are fundamental requisites for becoming part of our team. You don't wear it just to "shoot four bbs on Sunday morning

Recently, using social media, we have reached several veterans and we are carrying out a project of digital interviews, which you can find on our social pages. Hearing stories of the deployment directly from them, as well as asking them for their opinions on our activities, is priceless.. "


"As mentioned, thanks to social media we are in direct contact with several veterans of the battles of Sangin who (and we say this with a nice pinch of pride) talk about us understanding our commitment and the passion behind our business , which could also be seen as a farce or stolen valor. A team photo of us was even posted on the Battalion history Instagram page (@ 3rdbattalion5thmarineshistory: “You know you've done some cool shit when dudes in other countries are reenacting / milsim-ing your deployment. Thanks to @ 35marines. it ")."

“All the positive feedback we receive is constantly printed and posted on a wall at our headquarters.

It's always a great satisfaction to receive their praise, especially since we boast several haters. But you know, haters gonna hate!

Finally, we can proudly share with you the fact that a former member of us (Italian American) is now in effect enlisted in the real Marine Corps. Hi Giampaolo! "


“As mentioned”, Pietro continues “all our material is original, purchased from the USA or from bases in Europe. As for the specifics, the real marine in Afghanistan always had three types of equipment available: light for reconnaissance or where no fire contact was expected, and two with ballistic protections and helmet to choose according to the environment and possible dangers .

We opt, depending on the playing occasions, for the light setup (called Greenside) or for the heavy one, with the Scalable Plate Carrier body armor with helmet, which is the icon of marines today. The uniform is obviously the MarPat woodland or desert while the pockets and the equipment applied is chosen based on the role to be covered / reenacted. The weapon is mainly the M16A4, with its accessories, but it also changes according to the role, passing from the M4 to the M249 Saw or the dreaded M240 or M2 Browning (yes, we have two of them). "

Example of kit list of a Rifleman (basic rifleman):


1st line
FROG MarPat Desert by Defender M

OD Skivvie (T shirt OD)
Riggers belt CB by Tactical Tailor
Boot Trousers Blousers
Bates 85501 boots
ESS ICE Ballistic glasses
Mechanix gloves black

2nd line
LWH Helmet by Gentex with
- Chin strap OD by Gentex
- Reversible camo cover MarPat by American Power
- Cat Eyes
- ESS Profile NVG
- Rhino plate by Norotos
- Rhino mount by Norotos

- Rhino J-arm by Norotos

Scalable Plate Carrier SPC by Eagle Industries with
- 3 x M4/M16 Double mag pouches by Fireforce
- 2 x M67 Frag grenade pouch by Allied industries
- Camelback Hydratation pack CB by Source
- CAT tourniquet
- Side SAPI plate

- Flight Badge USMC
- Cummerbunds from MTV


Blackhawk Industries duty belt with:
- SDS Dump Pouch by Specialty Defense
- IFAK by Allied Industries

3rd Line
ILBE Assault Pack by Arc'Teryx

FN M16A4 with:
- ACOG Ta31 RCO w/ Killflash
- An/Peq 16

Kneepads by Alta Industries

Litton (L3) PVS-14 Gen3

Gerber multitool


“As public events, we use the Militalia (Novegro, near Milan) fair in order to introduce ourselves and interest any new recruits. Has mentioned, we are currently working on a descriptive, promotional and obviously celebratory interviews project of the boys who served in Afghanistan.

Furthermore, some times ago, some of our members went to Rome to take part in the creation of a Sky TV series; we were in fact invited to shoot some scenes of "Devils", appearing as extras during the funeral of a soldier. We also intend to try to get in touch with Netflix and Sky Italia, in case they need Marine extras in any of their TV series.

Finally, we would like to underline that every year during the Boot Camp (the training period for new recruits), the boys take part in all day long training course about first aid, during which possible accidents that may occur in our activities, are discussed. We also deals with the topic of BLS-D (Basic Life Support & Defibrillation). Thanks to the presence in the team of a certified Instructor, it is possible for the members to receive a well-rounded training; combined with the practice of heart massage, it allows them to receive a certificate as a AED operator valid throughout the country. AED + Trained citizens = people who survive, and we speak from personal experience on the field ...


To conclude is Alessandro: “The Few the Proud. This is the Corps motto that we too adopt. We do not aim to have a hundred associates to our team but rather those "few but good": the aspirant must have the right mindset as well as a high physical and mental resilience, have a very strong sense of brotherhood and affiliation as well as an honourable character and moral rigor.

Anyone interested in a "level" re-enactment in the airsoft and has the right mentality can contact us via our social networks or via email at info.35marines@gmail.com. You can find us also on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube as 35marines”

Thank you AirsoftAction for the interest received towards us and I would like to conclude by also thanking all my guys:

Alessandro " Small" Balconi
Andrea "Jackson" Pirovano
Claudio "Doc" Lalomia
Daniele "Drake" Rielli
Fabio "Milligan" Alberti
Gabriele "Texas" Cavaglieri
Giovanni " Perez" Matozzo
Giuseppe "Diaz" D'Amato
Lorenzo "Clark" Rossetti
Luca "Collins" Gentile
Matteo "Frost" Fumagalli
Pietro "Pit" Figini
Roberto "Carter" Piovani