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The grandfather who went to fight ISIS

At 53 years old, this British man sold their cars, bikes and boat to travel to Iraq and fight the militants ISIS, he has admitted he is 'ready to die fighting ISIS'.

Jim Atherton, this grandfather who left his wife and three children at home flying to Middle East and join a voluntary organization of the Christian militia created to fight the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIS / ISIL). Jim Atherton, a former truck driver for 20 years, has no military training. He is grandfather of two children and now patrol the line first armed with a machine gun, grenades and explosives.

Got around £18,000 to finance his trip to fight the Islamic state and sold his car Sierra Cosworth, two bikes and a boat to help pay for their £ 3000 worth of kit including a Glock pistol, an AK-47 machine gun and a shotgun .

Jim now spends his days dressed in combat fatigues and is part of a militia group called Dwekh Nawsha, which means sacrificers, which is composed of volunteers. They come from Europe, the US and Australia with a single goal of fighting ISIS.

The son of a former soldier, Jim Atherton, said he was forced to leave to fight the militants ISIS after his brother Sean died while fighting in Iraq in 2006.

He told to The Sun: "It's something I felt I had to do I wanted my grandchildren might know I'm doing really…"

He decided to leave UK to join the fight against militants ISIS in April and spent 12 months saving everything I can to pay for the trip.

Although he suffered a heart attack in 2007 and had no previous military training. It seems that their dedication is to make the world a better place.