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The US Navy SEALs is one of the most well-known US special operations units in the world. Trained to operate from sea, air or land as referred to in its acronym (SEa, Air and Land). The personality of this kind of unit is marked by its unique nature of operating in water, in both the open sea and rivers. 

Operators from this elite unit must go through highly exhaustive and complete training which prepares them to carry out reconnaissance missions, direct action, foreign internal defence, hostage rescue, unconventional warfare, counter-terrorism, etc. These are real elite soldiers who are ready for anything that could be thrown at them.

One of the operational actions conducted by SEALs is the so-called VBSS (Visit, Board, Search and Seizure), which is the term used for maritime boarding operations, designed to capture enemy vessels, combat terrorism (releasing of seized vessels and kidnapped hostages), piracy and smuggling. Given their specific location in the middle of the sea, they board gas and oil platforms, using the most modern resources to conduct these missions. Depending on the vessel or platform that must be boarded, as well as the threat giving rise to the assault, the most optimum assault platforms may be used: Zodiac-type crafts, fast assault crafts and helicopters (HVBSS), as well as others.

Training for these missions consists of planning missions, extensive knowledge of vessels and platforms, particularly with delicate cargo and even more so in the case of gas and oil platforms, incendiary products and explosives.  Abseiling, fast rope, boarding techniques from various means and crafts, insertion and extraction, as well as CQC (Close Quarter Combat) techniques, as both crafts and platforms are reduced spaces and combat takes place in close quarters. The ultimate aim of this is to eliminate threat by safeguarding life and consequently releasing the crew, passengers, workers, etc.


Our SEAL is wearing a fire-resistant Nomex Flight Suit, Protec helmet with SDU 5 strobe light tied to the top and Kroop diving goggles, covering his face with a green balaclava (which could be black).

He is wearing a PT bulletproof vest (Body Armor) in black and on top, the ABA assault vest in black too. The ALICE LCII belt is fitted on to this, with ALICE canteen and ALICE magazine pouch in green, Troop 8412 first aid kit, ABA radio carrier in green, Mx300R radio, with PTT TCI standard plug version, MK3 knife with MK13 day/night flare attached to its sheath, MP5 triple magazine leg pouch or M4-version pistol magazine leg pouches and ABA pistol holster. The LPU-21 (Life Preserver) is used over this equipment.

He wears Nomex flight gloves in green and jungle boots of the same colour, at the discretion of the operator, as they were also worn in black, in addition to the Adidas GSG9 model.


The armament that may be carried by an operator in an elite unit like this one is really extensive, but in an attempt to stick to the standards of the time, we can highlight the following.

In terms of pistols, the queen is the SIG Sauer P226 or the HK MK23 MOD. As for automatic rifles, they could go for the MP5, as well as the MP5 SD with built-in silencer. When choosing assault rifles, the king is the M4, although the Mk18 MOD0 is common too. One of the team members can also carry a shotgun and although this is varied like in the rest of the armament, the Mossberg option stands out for us.